Some of our fancier features:
- Flexible mapping with lots of goodies
- A stat pane, image viewer, and other crazy stuff
- A stat pane See here for more info!
- Spawn windows, paragraph formatting, and multiple input windows
- Mix & Match Fonts & Styles
- IPv6
- High DPI support (4K monitors, etc)
- Smooth scrolling (optional of course)
- Unicode/UTF-8 - Set the text encoding in the server properties
- Scripting - JavaScript, Lua, Perl, Python, VB, etc!
- SSL/TLS support - Using built in OS support
- HTML Logging - Save log file as .html and it writes it out in html format
- Triggers - With regular expression matching and tons of options
- Puppets
- Spawn Windows (See the 'Spawn' tab in trigger actions)
- Aliases
- Macros
- Spell Check - Now using built in OS support starting with Windows 8
- Tab autocompletion - Helps complete long words, if done on a space it will suggest the next word
- A bunch of ANSI stuff - Type '/test ansi' to see
- Unicode emojis, sent either by the mu* or using the smiley :) to 🙂 feature (Options->Emoji)
- Network traffic debugging - Type '/rawnetwork' to open
- Inverted Brightness Mode - Same colors, opposite brightness